color photo of a logo called Ahavah, bold and expressive typogra...

color photo of a logo called Ahavah, bold and expressive typography, capturing attention and energy, vibrant and warm colors, like shades of red and orange, representing passion and vitality, creative use of negative space, hand-drawn elements, adding a personal and unique touch, Wes Anderson, Yorick Le Saux, Annie Leibovitz, Valentino, Tom Ford, Peter Lindbergh —c 10 —ar 2:3

color photo of a logo called Ahavah, bold and expressive typography, capturing attention and energy, vibrant and warm colors, like shades of red and orange, representing passion and vitality, creative use of negative space, hand-drawn elements, adding a personal and unique touch, Wes Anderson, Yorick Le Saux, Annie Leibovitz, Valentino, Tom Ford, Peter Lindbergh —c 10 —ar 2:3

{ "seed": "3787161294", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
