In this intense close-up, Kratos, the Spartan warrior, bears the...

In this intense close-up, Kratos, the Spartan warrior, bears the unmistakable marks of unbridled anger. His battle-hardened face is etched with scars and a furrowed brow that cast a formidable shadow over his piercing, wrathful eyes. Veins pulse beneath his skin as his clenched jaw reveals the resolve within. Sweat and dirt streak his weathered skin, mirroring the toll of countless battles. The fiery backdrop mirrors the tumultuous storm within him. Kratos' visage, a portrait of rage, resonates with the relentless pursuit of vengeance, creating a gripping image of primal fury., Trippy, Pencil Sketch

In this intense close-up, Kratos, the Spartan warrior, bears the unmistakable marks of unbridled anger. His battle-hardened face is etched with scars and a furrowed brow that cast a formidable shadow over his piercing, wrathful eyes. Veins pulse beneath his skin as his clenched jaw reveals the resolve within. Sweat and dirt streak his weathered skin, mirroring the toll of countless battles. The fiery backdrop mirrors the tumultuous storm within him. Kratos' visage, a portrait of rage, resonates with the relentless pursuit of vengeance, creating a gripping image of primal fury., Trippy, Pencil Sketch

{ "seed": "1159337866", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
