"Craft a dynamic 4D artwork that brings Super Mario to life in a...

"Craft a dynamic 4D artwork that brings Super Mario to life in an exhilarating sprint towards the viewer. This scene should burst with energy and excitement as Mario dashes forward, his iconic red cap and blue overalls billowing in the wind. The details of his world-famous mustache, gloves, and boots should be vivid and true to his character.

The backdrop should be a vibrant, multi-dimensional Mario world, featuring familiar elements like mushroom platforms, colorful blocks, and cheerful clouds. Use 4D rendering techniques to create a sense of depth and immersion as Mario rushes toward the viewer, inviting them to join in the adventure.

The lighting should emphasize the joyful and dynamic mood of the scene, casting dynamic shadows as Mario moves. The overall effect should be a thrilling and immersive experience, capturing the essence of Mario's timeless charm and excitement."

"Craft a dynamic 4D artwork that brings Super Mario to life in an exhilarating sprint towards the viewer. This scene should burst with energy and excitement as Mario dashes forward, his iconic red cap and blue overalls billowing in the wind. The details of his world-famous mustache, gloves, and boots should be vivid and true to his character. The backdrop should be a vibrant, multi-dimensional Mario world, featuring familiar elements like mushroom platforms, colorful blocks, and cheerful clouds. Use 4D rendering techniques to create a sense of depth and immersion as Mario rushes toward the viewer, inviting them to join in the adventure. The lighting should emphasize the joyful and dynamic mood of the scene, casting dynamic shadows as Mario moves. The overall effect should be a thrilling and immersive experience, capturing the essence of Mario's timeless charm and excitement."

{ "seed": "1795022148", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
