Create a haunting and terrifying digital art piece that showcase...

Create a haunting and terrifying digital art piece that showcases a menacing skull formed from the clouds, with glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through the darkness. The skull should be depicted with a twisted and grotesque grin, emphasizing its malevolent presence. The clouds should be dark and foreboding, with lightning crackling through the sky to add to the sense of danger and unease. The overall mood of the piece should be one of intense fear and horror, as if the viewer is being confronted by a malevolent entity from beyond the grave

Create a haunting and terrifying digital art piece that showcases a menacing skull formed from the clouds, with glowing red eyes that seem to pierce through the darkness. The skull should be depicted with a twisted and grotesque grin, emphasizing its malevolent presence. The clouds should be dark and foreboding, with lightning crackling through the sky to add to the sense of danger and unease. The overall mood of the piece should be one of intense fear and horror, as if the viewer is being confronted by a malevolent entity from beyond the grave

{ "seed": "71251143", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
