a robot with a big head, exquisite creature poster art, sublime ...


a robot with a big head, exquisite creature poster art, sublime subsurface scattering, crab, by Andrzej Wróblewski, isopod, anamorphic illustration, stylized game art, water bear, cambrian, by Tobias Stimmer, cartoon creature, 64 bit realistic painting, scarab, explorer

{ "App": "ComfyUI", "Models": { "Multi": "refiner method" }, "Sampler": { "1st pass": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "2nd pass": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "FaceDetailer": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu", "Ultimate SD Upscale": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu" }, "Upscale": { "Upscale Model": "4x_NMKD-Siax_200k", "Upscale Method": "Ultimate SD Upscale" }, "Workflow": { "VAE": "vqgan_cfw_00011_vae\\vqgan_cfw_00011_vae_only", "SDXL": [ "2 pass", "face detailer", "refiner" ], "SD 1.5": [ "2pass", "hi-res fix", "face detailer custom KSampler (Advanced)" ] }, "LORAs Used": [ "epiNoiseoffset_v2-pynoise", "Elixir", "add_detail" ], "Negative Prompt": [ "(embedding:FastNegativeV2:1.1)", "(embedding:ng_deepnegative_v1_75t:1.1)", "(embedding:badhandv4:1.1)", "wrinkles", "deformed", "unrealistic", "worst quality", "blurry", "fuzzy", "out of focus", "low quality", "out of frame", "logo", "signature", "username", "watermark", "picture frame", "frames", "borderline", "duplicate", "error", "ugly", "blur", "tiled", "extra fingers", "deformed hands", "polydactyl:1.5" ] }
