A real perfect female cyborg made by beautiful and elegant pure ...


A real perfect female cyborg made by beautiful and elegant pure white bio organic ceramic, hyper details, concept futuristic style and ecorchè style, cinematic lights, photo bashing , epic cinematic, octane render ,extremely high detail, post processing, 8k, denoise, redshift style

{ "Seed": 356942959, "Scale": 15.37, "Steps": 75, "Img Width": 512, "Img Height": 768, "model_version": "DiffusionBeecustom_redshiftDiffusion_v1", "Negative Prompt": "[cgi, doll, bad anatomy, blurry, fuzzy, extra arms, extra fingers, poorly drawn hands, disfigured, tiling, deformed, mutated, out of frame, cloned face]" }
