The entities in question possess a mysterious and ethereal appea...

The entities in question possess a mysterious and ethereal appearance, resembling shadowy figures with slender, dark grey bodies. Through their semi-transparent surface, an intricate energy structure is partially visible, giving them a ghostly and captivating allure. Their facial features remain obscured, evoking an enigmatic aura. They lack visible eyes, enhancing their sense of mystery. This unique combination of elements makes them an intriguing and beguiling presence within the cosmic landscape.

The entities in question possess a mysterious and ethereal appearance, resembling shadowy figures with slender, dark grey bodies. Through their semi-transparent surface, an intricate energy structure is partially visible, giving them a ghostly and captivating allure. Their facial features remain obscured, evoking an enigmatic aura. They lack visible eyes, enhancing their sense of mystery. This unique combination of elements makes them an intriguing and beguiling presence within the cosmic landscape.

{ "seed": "3322420878", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
