A photorealistic illustration of a captivating witch in a sensua...

A photorealistic illustration of a captivating witch in a sensual red dress, lying gracefully on a stone within a realistic cemetery. Her sleek, black hair flows straight, framing her face with an air of elegance. The detailed illustration showcases the intricate details of the witch's attire, highlighting the sensuality of the red dress. Her facial features are alluring, with captivating eyes that exude mystery and a hint of a mysterious smile. The cemetery setting is depicted realistically, with weathered gravestones that add to the atmosphere of darkness and intrigue. Surrounding the witch, vibrant red roses on the ground create a contrast and symbolize passion and enchantment.

A photorealistic illustration of a captivating witch in a sensual red dress, lying gracefully on a stone within a realistic cemetery. Her sleek, black hair flows straight, framing her face with an air of elegance. The detailed illustration showcases the intricate details of the witch's attire, highlighting the sensuality of the red dress. Her facial features are alluring, with captivating eyes that exude mystery and a hint of a mysterious smile. The cemetery setting is depicted realistically, with weathered gravestones that add to the atmosphere of darkness and intrigue. Surrounding the witch, vibrant red roses on the ground create a contrast and symbolize passion and enchantment.

{ "seed": "99918884", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
