It generates a hyper-realistic image of a classic university cla...

It generates a hyper-realistic image of a classic university classroom with a blackboard in the background, covered with mathematical equations and flowcharts representing artificial intelligence algorithms. In front of the blackboard, a silhouette of a professor in a teaching pose, with one arm raised as if explaining a concept. The professor is a fusion between a human and a cyborg.

It generates a hyper-realistic image of a classic university classroom with a blackboard in the background, covered with mathematical equations and flowcharts representing artificial intelligence algorithms. In front of the blackboard, a silhouette of a professor in a teaching pose, with one arm raised as if explaining a concept. The professor is a fusion between a human and a cyborg.

{ "seed": "2304234984", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
