Generate an artistic and hyperrealistic image for the cover of a...

Generate an artistic and hyperrealistic image for the cover of a university course entitled 'Artificial Intelligence in University Teaching'. The image should convey a fusion between technology and education. Visualize a classic university classroom with a blackboard in the background, covered with mathematical equations and flowcharts representing artificial intelligence algorithms. In front of the blackboard, a silhouette of a professor in a teaching pose, with one arm raised as if explaining a concept. The professor is a fusion between a human and a cyborg, his right half is a human-looking professor in academic clothing, while the left half is a stylized representation of circuits and gears, symbolizing artificial intelligence. In the foreground, a holographic version of a human brain floats in the air, radiating with a soft, pulsating light. The brain is surrounded by floating lines of digital code, symbolizing learning and information processing. The overall tone of the image is futuristic, but also welcoming, with a color palette that combines cool shades of blues and grays with warm tones of golds and browns. The course title, 'Artificial Intelligence in University Teaching', is present in large, modern letters at the top or bottom of the image.

Generate an artistic and hyperrealistic image for the cover of a university course entitled 'Artificial Intelligence in University Teaching'. The image should convey a fusion between technology and education. Visualize a classic university classroom with a blackboard in the background, covered with mathematical equations and flowcharts representing artificial intelligence algorithms. In front of the blackboard, a silhouette of a professor in a teaching pose, with one arm raised as if explaining a concept. The professor is a fusion between a human and a cyborg, his right half is a human-looking professor in academic clothing, while the left half is a stylized representation of circuits and gears, symbolizing artificial intelligence. In the foreground, a holographic version of a human brain floats in the air, radiating with a soft, pulsating light. The brain is surrounded by floating lines of digital code, symbolizing learning and information processing. The overall tone of the image is futuristic, but also welcoming, with a color palette that combines cool shades of blues and grays with warm tones of golds and browns. The course title, 'Artificial Intelligence in University Teaching', is present in large, modern letters at the top or bottom of the image.

{ "seed": "3056617200", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
