It generates a hyper-realistic image of a vibrant and colorful s...

It generates a hyper-realistic image of a vibrant and colorful street scene in Havana, Cuba, at sunset. Visualize colonial buildings with peeling walls in bright shades of blue, yellow and pink, with wrought iron balconies adorned with potted plants. In the foreground, there should be a classic American car from the 1950s, gleaming and well-preserved, in a bright shade of mint green. The streets are full of people, enjoying the music emanating from a nearby café, where a group of musicians play Cuban son. The sky is a canvas of oranges and pinks, reflecting the last lights of day fading into the city's colorful architecture. It also includes views of tall palm trees and the blue ocean in the distance, providing the perfect counterpoint to the bustling city life.

It generates a hyper-realistic image of a vibrant and colorful street scene in Havana, Cuba, at sunset. Visualize colonial buildings with peeling walls in bright shades of blue, yellow and pink, with wrought iron balconies adorned with potted plants. In the foreground, there should be a classic American car from the 1950s, gleaming and well-preserved, in a bright shade of mint green. The streets are full of people, enjoying the music emanating from a nearby café, where a group of musicians play Cuban son. The sky is a canvas of oranges and pinks, reflecting the last lights of day fading into the city's colorful architecture. It also includes views of tall palm trees and the blue ocean in the distance, providing the perfect counterpoint to the bustling city life.

{ "seed": "1063315943", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
