Mater Roshi stands in a fighting stance, with an intense, concen...

Mater Roshi stands in a fighting stance, with an intense, concentrated look on his face. His body is tense and ready to attack. In the background, a mixture of starry sky and dark clouds can be seen, suggesting that the scene takes place at night. The atmosphere is tense and exciting, as if Master Roshi is about to fight a powerful enemy. The image is created in anime style, with sharp lines and shadows and vibrant colours. As for the camera, the image is shot from below, as if the viewer is looking up at Master Roshi.  super realistic face, simple background, hyper 8K detailed photo, 8k resolution concept art

Mater Roshi stands in a fighting stance, with an intense, concentrated look on his face. His body is tense and ready to attack. In the background, a mixture of starry sky and dark clouds can be seen, suggesting that the scene takes place at night. The atmosphere is tense and exciting, as if Master Roshi is about to fight a powerful enemy. The image is created in anime style, with sharp lines and shadows and vibrant colours. As for the camera, the image is shot from below, as if the viewer is looking up at Master Roshi. super realistic face, simple background, hyper 8K detailed photo, 8k resolution concept art

{ "seed": "3177584845", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
