A color photo of a pastoral landscape, featuring a sprawling gra...

A color photo of a pastoral landscape, featuring a sprawling grassy meadow illuminated by the warm hues of the setting sun. A herd of cattle and sheep graze peacefully, while a babbling brook adds to the serene ambiance of the scene. The distant mountains form a stunning backdrop, while a flock of birds soars through the sky overhead. The tranquil stream, verdant grass, and warm sunset tones create a truly idyllic setting. —c 10 —ar 2:3

A color photo of a pastoral landscape, featuring a sprawling grassy meadow illuminated by the warm hues of the setting sun. A herd of cattle and sheep graze peacefully, while a babbling brook adds to the serene ambiance of the scene. The distant mountains form a stunning backdrop, while a flock of birds soars through the sky overhead. The tranquil stream, verdant grass, and warm sunset tones create a truly idyllic setting. —c 10 —ar 2:3

{ "seed": "3103513603", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
