The image showcases a helmet worn by a black knight, adorned wit...

The image showcases a helmet worn by a black knight, adorned with intricate feather details and accents of red in the armor. The helmet, while maintaining its medieval essence, incorporates subtle futuristic elements. Embedded within the design are sleek lines, minimalistic LED lights, and a heads-up display subtly integrated into the visor. These futuristic touches add a touch of modernity to the otherwise traditional appearance. The labels for the high-resolution and super-detailed image include: knight's helmet, feather details, touches of red in the armor, futuristic elements, raised textures, metallic reflections, subtle shadows, tinted visor, LED lights, heads-up display, carefully placed lights, pronounced contrasts, 8k resolution

The image showcases a helmet worn by a black knight, adorned with intricate feather details and accents of red in the armor. The helmet, while maintaining its medieval essence, incorporates subtle futuristic elements. Embedded within the design are sleek lines, minimalistic LED lights, and a heads-up display subtly integrated into the visor. These futuristic touches add a touch of modernity to the otherwise traditional appearance. The labels for the high-resolution and super-detailed image include: knight's helmet, feather details, touches of red in the armor, futuristic elements, raised textures, metallic reflections, subtle shadows, tinted visor, LED lights, heads-up display, carefully placed lights, pronounced contrasts, 8k resolution

{ "seed": "3425161686", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
