In a sunlit classroom adorned with colorful educational posters...

 In a sunlit classroom adorned with colorful educational posters, a distinguished and knowledgeable foreign female education expert passionately addresses a group of eager students. The expert stands confidently at the front of the room, gesturing with enthusiasm as she imparts her wisdom. Her vibrant attire reflects her diverse cultural background, with a blend of vibrant colors and patterns. The room is filled with an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and empowerment, with soft natural lighting enhancing the warm and welcoming ambiance. The scene is captured with the timeless elegance and attention to detail of a photograph by Annie Leibovitz.

In a sunlit classroom adorned with colorful educational posters, a distinguished and knowledgeable foreign female education expert passionately addresses a group of eager students. The expert stands confidently at the front of the room, gesturing with enthusiasm as she imparts her wisdom. Her vibrant attire reflects her diverse cultural background, with a blend of vibrant colors and patterns. The room is filled with an atmosphere of intellectual curiosity and empowerment, with soft natural lighting enhancing the warm and welcoming ambiance. The scene is captured with the timeless elegance and attention to detail of a photograph by Annie Leibovitz.

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