The poster showcases a white knight adorned in an intricate armo...

The poster showcases a white knight adorned in an intricate armor that seamlessly blends futuristic and medieval elements. Their armor features sleek lines and high-tech enhancements, while still retaining the essence of traditional medieval craftsmanship. The feather details on the armor give it an ethereal and otherworldly touch. Illuminated by a red and white background, the knight exudes an aura of power and mystique.

The helmet, reminiscent of a raven's visage, combines advanced technology with medieval design, featuring a heads-up display and integrated communication systems. Behind the helmet's tinted visor, their intense red eyes glow with an augmented vision that enhances their perception.

The surroundings reveal a futuristic cityscape with towering skyscrapers adorned with medieval-inspired architectural flourishes. Neon lights in shades of red and white illuminate the streets, casting an eerie yet captivating glow. The fusion of medieval and futuristic elements creates a unique and immersive world.

With their hand gripping a technologically advanced sword that emits a pulsating energy, the knight stands ready to defend justice and honor in this captivating blend of past and future. This ultra-detailed, 8k concept art brings to life the epic fusion of medieval and futuristic aesthetics, transporting viewers to a realm where tradition meets advanced technology.

The poster showcases a white knight adorned in an intricate armor that seamlessly blends futuristic and medieval elements. Their armor features sleek lines and high-tech enhancements, while still retaining the essence of traditional medieval craftsmanship. The feather details on the armor give it an ethereal and otherworldly touch. Illuminated by a red and white background, the knight exudes an aura of power and mystique. The helmet, reminiscent of a raven's visage, combines advanced technology with medieval design, featuring a heads-up display and integrated communication systems. Behind the helmet's tinted visor, their intense red eyes glow with an augmented vision that enhances their perception. The surroundings reveal a futuristic cityscape with towering skyscrapers adorned with medieval-inspired architectural flourishes. Neon lights in shades of red and white illuminate the streets, casting an eerie yet captivating glow. The fusion of medieval and futuristic elements creates a unique and immersive world. With their hand gripping a technologically advanced sword that emits a pulsating energy, the knight stands ready to defend justice and honor in this captivating blend of past and future. This ultra-detailed, 8k concept art brings to life the epic fusion of medieval and futuristic aesthetics, transporting viewers to a realm where tradition meets advanced technology.

{ "seed": "799818378", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
