```vbnet Artistic Image Prompt: Type of Image: HD Photograph. Ti...

Artistic Image Prompt:
Type of Image: HD Photograph.
Title: "Make It Stop"
Subject Description: Create a powerful and emotive HD photograph that conveys a sense of urgency, turmoil, or distress. The image should evoke strong emotions and prompt viewers to reflect on the theme of "Make It Stop."
Art Styles: Photojournalism, Documentary Photography.
Art Inspirations: Works by James Nachtwey, Don McCullin, and Sebastião Salgado.
Camera: Capture the essence of the moment with a high-resolution camera capable of capturing fine details and emotions.
Shot: Close-up or medium shot to emphasize the subject's emotions and expressions.
Render Related Information: Focus on capturing raw emotions through the subject's facial expressions, body language, or surrounding environment. Consider using dramatic lighting or contrasting colors to enhance the mood and evoke a sense of urgency. The image should tell a story or raise awareness about a pressing issue or a challenging situation. Pay attention to composition and framing to create a visually striking and thought-provoking photograph.

```vbnet Artistic Image Prompt: Type of Image: HD Photograph. Title: "Make It Stop" Subject Description: Create a powerful and emotive HD photograph that conveys a sense of urgency, turmoil, or distress. The image should evoke strong emotions and prompt viewers to reflect on the theme of "Make It Stop." Art Styles: Photojournalism, Documentary Photography. Art Inspirations: Works by James Nachtwey, Don McCullin, and Sebastião Salgado. Camera: Capture the essence of the moment with a high-resolution camera capable of capturing fine details and emotions. Shot: Close-up or medium shot to emphasize the subject's emotions and expressions. Render Related Information: Focus on capturing raw emotions through the subject's facial expressions, body language, or surrounding environment. Consider using dramatic lighting or contrasting colors to enhance the mood and evoke a sense of urgency. The image should tell a story or raise awareness about a pressing issue or a challenging situation. Pay attention to composition and framing to create a visually striking and thought-provoking photograph.

{ "seed": "3144833907", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
