Prompt: Subject Description: A heart-pounding moment of risky ex...

Subject Description: A heart-pounding moment of risky excitement captured in a single frame.
Type of Image: Photograph
Art Styles: High-contrast, dramatic lighting, and intense colors to heighten the suspense.
Art Inspirations: Influenced by the works of Robert Capa and Steve McCurry, with a touch of street photography vibe.
Camera: DSLR camera with fast shutter speed to freeze the action.
Shot: Candid shot, capturing the subject in the midst of a daring and dangerous act.
Environment: Urban setting, potentially a busy street or rooftop.
Backdrop: Vibrant and dynamic background to add to the thrill.
Details: A person engaging in an extreme activity that could lead to a thrilling success or epic failure.
Action: The subject is taking a daring leap or making a risky move, showing a mix of bravery and vulnerability.
Intensity: Emphasize the adrenaline rush and the moment of decision.
Composition: A strong sense of motion and tension, with an impactful framing.
Lighting: Dramatic and dynamic lighting, with shadows and highlights enhancing the intensity.
Color Palette: Use intense and vivid colors to evoke excitement and anticipation.
Resolution: High-resolution image with attention to detail.
Level of Detail: Crisp and clear details to make the viewer feel present in the moment.
Feel: The photograph should evoke a sense of exhilaration, fear, and fascination.
Caption: "This Could Go Very Wrong" - A heart-stopping moment of adventure captured in time.

Camera Shot Type: High-angle shot, capturing the subject from above to showcase the height and risk.
Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens to encompass the entire scene and add depth to the image.
View: Front view, providing a direct perspective of the subject's daring feat.

Lighting: Natural sunlight with strong highlights and deep shadows to intensify the atmosphere.
Resolution: High-resolution image to bring out the intricate details of the moment.
Color Type: A mix of bright and bold colors to enhance the sense of drama and urgency.
Render: Realistic and true-to-life rendering of the scene, emphasizing the raw emotions.

Prompt: Subject Description: A heart-pounding moment of risky excitement captured in a single frame. Type of Image: Photograph Art Styles: High-contrast, dramatic lighting, and intense colors to heighten the suspense. Art Inspirations: Influenced by the works of Robert Capa and Steve McCurry, with a touch of street photography vibe. Camera: DSLR camera with fast shutter speed to freeze the action. Shot: Candid shot, capturing the subject in the midst of a daring and dangerous act. Environment: Urban setting, potentially a busy street or rooftop. Backdrop: Vibrant and dynamic background to add to the thrill. Details: A person engaging in an extreme activity that could lead to a thrilling success or epic failure. Action: The subject is taking a daring leap or making a risky move, showing a mix of bravery and vulnerability. Intensity: Emphasize the adrenaline rush and the moment of decision. Composition: A strong sense of motion and tension, with an impactful framing. Lighting: Dramatic and dynamic lighting, with shadows and highlights enhancing the intensity. Color Palette: Use intense and vivid colors to evoke excitement and anticipation. Resolution: High-resolution image with attention to detail. Level of Detail: Crisp and clear details to make the viewer feel present in the moment. Feel: The photograph should evoke a sense of exhilaration, fear, and fascination. Caption: "This Could Go Very Wrong" - A heart-stopping moment of adventure captured in time. Camera Shot Type: High-angle shot, capturing the subject from above to showcase the height and risk. Camera Lens: Wide-angle lens to encompass the entire scene and add depth to the image. View: Front view, providing a direct perspective of the subject's daring feat. Lighting: Natural sunlight with strong highlights and deep shadows to intensify the atmosphere. Resolution: High-resolution image to bring out the intricate details of the moment. Color Type: A mix of bright and bold colors to enhance the sense of drama and urgency. Render: Realistic and true-to-life rendering of the scene, emphasizing the raw emotions.

{ "seed": "666113627", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
