A fair-skinned woman, crawling slowly out of the muddy swamp, in...

A fair-skinned woman, crawling slowly out of the muddy swamp, in a dark, late-afternoon setting, with few rays of sunlight breaking through the trees. Her blond hair, short and damp, falls over her face as she struggles to get free. Wearing delicately soiled white silk shorts and a sheer white silk top, the ambient light reveals the sheer texture of the fabric in contrast to her skin. Soft light tones enhance her figure, while dancing shadows add a dramatic touch to the scene. Every detail is rendered hyper-realistically, capturing the beauty and intensity of the moment. The image is a cinematic masterpiece, with high resolution, vibrant colors and high contrast, providing an immersive visual experience in 8k, HDR and 500px. Created by Koos Roos

A fair-skinned woman, crawling slowly out of the muddy swamp, in a dark, late-afternoon setting, with few rays of sunlight breaking through the trees. Her blond hair, short and damp, falls over her face as she struggles to get free. Wearing delicately soiled white silk shorts and a sheer white silk top, the ambient light reveals the sheer texture of the fabric in contrast to her skin. Soft light tones enhance her figure, while dancing shadows add a dramatic touch to the scene. Every detail is rendered hyper-realistically, capturing the beauty and intensity of the moment. The image is a cinematic masterpiece, with high resolution, vibrant colors and high contrast, providing an immersive visual experience in 8k, HDR and 500px. Created by Koos Roos

{ "seed": "2872651622", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SH_Deliberate", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
