german woman with curvy body, {full body shot:from below shot}, ...


german woman with curvy body, {full body shot:from below shot}, cinematic composition, extreme detail, red lips, pink shirt, blue shorts, brown shoes, red hair, smiling, metahuman

{ "Mode": "txt2img", "Seed": 33160, "Model": "revAnimated_v122", "Steps": 28, "Sampler": "ddim", "Img Width": 448, "ControlNet": "None", "Img Height": 768, "model_version": "DiffusionBee_revAnimated_v122", "Guidance Scale": 10, "Negative Prompt": "plain background, boring, plain, standard, homogenous, uncreative, unattractive, opaque, grayscale, monochrome, distorted details, low details, grains, grainy, foggy, dark, blurry, portrait, oversaturated, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, low-res, low quality, close-up, macro, surreal, multiple views, multiple angles, worst quality, blurry, out of focus, low quality, out of frame, logo, signature, username, watermark, picture frame, smudges", "ControlNet Importance": 1, "Small Modification Seed": 600 }
