female siberian Russian concubine with slim curvy body, {full bo...


female siberian Russian concubine with slim curvy body, {full body shot:from behind shot:looking over shoulder}, traditional russian clothing, cinematic composition, extreme detail, metahuman creator, (best quality:1.4), ((masterpiece)), ((realistic)), (detailed), portrait_of_exotic_girls, seductive_smile, (((sexy))), godrays, dust in the air

{ "Mode": "txt2img", "Seed": 35958, "Model": "icbinpICantBelieveIts_v8", "Steps": 75, "Sampler": "k_euler_ancestral", "Img Width": 448, "ControlNet": "None", "Img Height": 768, "model_version": "DiffusionBee_icbinpICantBelieveIts_v8", "Guidance Scale": 7, "Negative Prompt": "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, EasyNegative, bad-image-v2-39000, bad-hands-5, badhandv4, worst quality, blurry, out of focus, low quality, out of frame, logo, signature, username, watermark, picture frame, smudges", "ControlNet Importance": 1 }
