a photorealistic image of a man in his 50s, some gray hair, a go...

a photorealistic image of a man in his 50s, some gray hair, a goatee, golden hour, looking to the left of the camera, above shoulder

{ "Seed": 3498673055, "Scale": 8.56, "Steps": 50, "Img Width": 576, "Img Height": 896, "sampler_name": "beeddim", "model_version": "DiffusionBeecustom_absolutereality_v1", "Negative Prompt": "\"bad-picture-chill-75v\",\n\"verybadimagenegative_v1.3\",\n\"EasyNegative\",\n\"bad-image-v2-39000\",\n\"badhandv4\",\n\"bad-hands-5\",\n\"worst quality\",\n\"blurry\",\n\"out of focus\",\n\"low quality\",\n\"out of frame\",\n\"logo\",\n\"signature\",\n\"username\",\n\"watermark\",\n\"picture frame\",\nbad anatomy, bad proportions, blurry, cloned face, deformed, disfigured, duplicate, extra arms, extra fingers, extra limbs, extra legs, fused fingers, gross proportions, long neck, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, mutated hands, mutation, mutilated, morbid, out of frame, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, too many fingers, ugly, nude, naked, weapon, nude, naked, out of focus, overlapping, out of frame, bad anatomy, watermark, writing, frame, hat" }
