Create an image of a Russian car Lada transformed into a steampu...

Create an image of a Russian car Lada transformed into a steampunk masterpiece, inspired by the iconic cartoon car McQueen. The Lada should feature intricate mechanical details, gears, and steam-powered elements. Give it a retro-futuristic appearance with brass and copper accents, exposed pipes, and smoke coming out of the exhaust. The color scheme should resemble McQueen's vibrant and lively palette, with bold and bright shades. Capture the essence of both Lada and McQueen, combining their unique characteristics into a visually stunning and whimsical design.

Create an image of a Russian car Lada transformed into a steampunk masterpiece, inspired by the iconic cartoon car McQueen. The Lada should feature intricate mechanical details, gears, and steam-powered elements. Give it a retro-futuristic appearance with brass and copper accents, exposed pipes, and smoke coming out of the exhaust. The color scheme should resemble McQueen's vibrant and lively palette, with bold and bright shades. Capture the essence of both Lada and McQueen, combining their unique characteristics into a visually stunning and whimsical design.

{ "seed": "3302643724", "steps": 30, "width": 512, "height": 512, "version": "SD1.4_SH", "sampler_name": "k_dpm_2", "guidance_scale": 7.5 }
